Featured Artisans
Welcome to the Featured Artisans section of our website, dedicated to showcasing the expertise and talent of artisans and craftspeople working in the field of nautical and maritime art. This includes everything from dioramas and model boats and ships, to decorative items and more.
We are proud to present our two charter members, Captain Peter J. Jones and Octavio Oliveira, as the inaugural members of this section. And to whom this entire website is dedecated to.
Capt. Jones was well-known for his work in Maritime Arts and Research, and was the creator of halfhullshipmodels.com, where he showcased his beautifully crafted half hull ship models, plaques, awards, and specialty carved fishing lures.
Octavio Oliviera was also a talented and highly skilled artisan, known for his instructional articles and explanations of the craft of ship modeling. He had a particular love for submarines, and was even honored as an honorary guest of the Portuguese Navy for his excellent modeling of their boats.
We are always looking for new artisans to feature in this section, and welcome anyone with a high level of expertise in creating nautical or maritime-themed items to apply. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your art, craft, models, decorative items, or historical knowledge to a wider audience. If you are interested in being featured on our website, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
To view these exceptional artists click on Featured Artisans on the above Main Menu for a drop down list.
Featured Artisans
Dr. Rudolf Schachl, an accomplished ship modeler known for his exquisite attention to detail and craftsmanship. Dr. Schachl has gained a reputation for creating some of the most beautiful and realistic ship models in the industry.
Philip S. Reed has been building extreme miniature ship models for more than half his life, a teacher of painting, ceramics and photography. He is a recipient of the coveted Championship Cup awarded by the Mechanical Engineerium Museum, Brighton, and has exhibited work at the Parker Gallery, Philadelphia Maritime Museum and the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA
Marina Grey is an accomplished artist and sculptor from the United Kingdom. She has a unique and captivating style that has earned her a reputation as one of the most talented and creative artists in the world. Her work has been showcased in galleries and museums around the world, including the Tate Modern in London and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago.